
The name of our brewery, Eikoh Shuzo, signifies glory to all the people who enjoy, brew, and sell sake. The water used for our sake (Wakigafuchi) comes from Takanawa mountain with ideal ingredients for sake brewing. We use Matsuyamamii rice produced in Ehime as the raw ingredient for fermentation.

Kinra shochu is a type of Japanese distilled beverage, similar to a spirit, that is made by Eiko Brewery in Matsuyama, located on the island of Shikoku in Japan.

The Kinra shochu is made from high-quality locally grown rice, which are carefully selected and fermented and later distilled using traditional methods. The resultant taste is extremely smooth and neutral, perfect as a ‘session shochu’ or for making high quality delicate cocktails.

Product recommendation:

Eikoh Junmai Shochu 'Kinra' 720ml

Product recommendation for Perth residents:

As this product is 'nama' (unpasteurised) it is only available for pickup at SuperSake's store in Perth (18 Glyde street Mosman Park).

Gonzenshu 9 White Bodaimoto Junmai Nama 1800ml

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